Go to: All volumes | Volume 28
Volume 28, 1976, No. 2, 101-161
ISSN 0016-7193 (print)
ISSN 2453-8787 (online)
- Mazúr, E. : Morphostructural Features of the West Carpathians. (s. 101)
- Demek, J. : Geomorphologlcal Mapping: Progress and Problems. (s. 112)
- Kvitkovič, J. - Plančár, J. : The Isostatic Conditions in Relation to the Recent Vertical Movements of the Earth’s Crust in the West Carpathians. (s. 122)
- Novák, V. : Czechoslovak National Atlases. (s. 132)
- Plesník, P. : The Present State and Tasks of the Biogeography in the ČSSR. (s. 136)
- Turčan, J. - Babiaková, G. - Šimo, E. : Methods of Determination of the Water Content in Snowpack in Mountain Watersheds on the Territory of Slovakia. (s. 144)
- Mariot, P. : Problems Concerning the Study of Population Migration in Slovakia. (s. 154)
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